Winter 2024
Celestial Mech. Tu and Th, 11:44 to 1: 16. Merrill 130
Winter 2023
Topics in Dynamics Tu and Th, 11:43 to 1: 17. dungeon, McH.
Winter 2022
Riemann Surfaces (math 234)
meets Tu & Th 11:40 to 1: 15, eventually in MCH 1270
Winter 2021
Manifolds 2 = differential forms
(called back; )
*** retired, July 1, 2020
Winter 2020
Calculus, aka Math 11A (Math 11A). 8AM to 9AM, MWF, Humanities Lecture Hall, which = Humanites 3, room 206.
Manifolds II (k-forms) (Math 209). MW 1:30-3:05 PM McH 1270 .
Fall 2019
Dynamical Systems (Math 235). 9:50AM - 11:25AM McHenry Classroom 1270
Winter 2018:
Calculus (19A) 10:40AM - 11:45AM Classroom unit 2.
Dynamical Systems (Math 235). 1:30PM - 3:05PM McHenry Classroom 1270
Fall 2017:
Classical Geometries. (Math 128). M W F: 09:20AM - 10:25AM. Phys Sci 114.
Manifolds 1. (Math 208). M W : 11:40AM - 01:15PM McHenry Clrm 1270
Winter 2017:
Celestial Mechanics. (Math 130). M W F: 1:20PM - 2:25PM. Nat Sci Annex 103.
Lie Groups. (Math 227). M W : 9:50PM - 11:25PM. McH 1267.
Fall 2016:
Classical Geometries. (Math 128). M W F: 1:20PM - 2:25PM. Phys Sci 110.
Manifolds 1. (Math 208). M W : 9:50PM - 11:25PM. McH 1270.
Spring 2016:
Classical Geometries (Math 128),
Tu Th : noon to 1:40
PbSci 110 1247
Winter 2016:
Graph Theory (Math 115),
M W F : 12:30PM - 01:40PM
McHenry 1247
Differential Forms (Math 209), M W 2-3:45 , McHenry Classroom 1270
Fall 2015:
Topics in Dynamics (Math 128),
Tu Th, 12-1:45 , McHenry Classroom 1270
Spring 2015:
Classical Geometries (Math 128),
Tu Th, 8-9:45 , Phys. Sci 114
Dynamical Systmes (Math 235 ), Tu Th,
noon - 1:45 ,
McHenry Classroom 1270
Winter 2014:
Manifolds II (Math 209 A), MW 10:00 to 11:40 somewhere in the dungeon's labyrinth
Fall 2013:
Classical Geometries (Math 128 A), MWF 9:30 to 10:40 in Physical Sciences 114
Topics in Geometry (MATH 282), MW
12:00PM - 01:45PM
McHenry 1279
Winter 2013:
Chaos, aka Intro Dynamics (Math 145), Tu Th 10 to 11:40 in Eng. bldg 2, rm 192
Riemann Surfaces (Math 235),MW 2 to 3:45. in McHenry. bldg 1279, rm 192
Fall 2012:
Classical Geometries (Math 128A),MWF 11 to 12:10 in Eng. bldg 2, rm 192
Dynamical Systems (Math 235),MW 2 to 3:45. in McHenry. bldg 1279, rm 192
Spring 2012:
Moving Triangles, Riemann's Sphere and the Three Body Problem
for a lecture in the wonderful Undergraduate
Math. Colloquium that Frank Bauerle runs
Spring 2012:
Differential Geometry (121B)
Winter 2012:
Differential Geometry (121A)
Winter 2012:
Manifolds II (209)
Fall 2011:
Algebraic Geometry (undergraduate!) (Math 129), MWF 11-12:10. Phys. Sci. 130, rm 130.
Wtr 2011:
Advanced Linear Algebra (Math 117), MWF 8-9:10. Soc Sci 2, rm 159.
Riemann Surfaces (Math 234), MW 2-3:40 Baskin Eng. 379.
Fall 2010:
Classical Geometries (Math 128A), MWF 12:30-1:40 Soc Sci 2, rm 75
Lie Groups (Math 217), MW 10-11:45
Spr 09:
Advanced Linear Algebra (Math 117), MWF 2-3:10 Soc Sci 2, rm 159
last qtr of topology/geom sequence (Math 210), MW 10-12
Wtr 09:
Differential Geometry (121A); Tu Th 2 -3:40 smwheres, Soc Sci II
F 08:
Classical Geometries (128A); MWF 12:30-1:40 Nat. Sci. Annex 102
Spr 08:
Differential Geometry (212)
F 07:
Vector Calculus (23A)
12:30 - 1:40 , M W F, 1 Baskin Auditorium
Wtr 07:
Celestial Mechanics
12:30 - 1:40 , M W F, College 8, in room 242
F 06:
Manifolds 1
2-3:45 Tu, Th. 3rd floor, Baskin
Previous courses
winter 2006:
Lie Groups (math 227). 2-3:45 Tu Th. Baskin 360.
2-3:45 Tu, Th. 2nd floor of Baskin
Fall 2005:
Manifolds 1
2-3:45 Tu, Th. 2nd floor of Ba
Spring 05
Fall 04 :