MATH 208, Manifolds I, Fall 2016.
Office hours: M: 3-5 PM, and
W: 3:30 -5 for Oct 12, 26 , Nov 30, Dec 7; BUT
5:30- 6:45 the other Ws: Oct 5, 19, Nov 2, 9; (Nov 16 TBA).
And by appointment.
Solutions to HWs, midterm(s)
Lectures that I wrote for the class
Reading, Presentation, and Lecture schedule
week by week.
Lecture schedule more detailed, but tentative and in progress.
week by week.
Homework Assignments
Ginzburg syll.
Good Sites
Intro to Manifolds a good text. Loring Tu.
Milnor lectures:
1 ,
2 ,
-- thanks Fatemeh !
Thurston notes
Hopf fibration the movie.
other circle and Seifert fibrations over the three-sphere thx Ian Algol
Nicolaescu notes free notes; seem decent
as taught by Ginzburg: